Week 13!

     Time flies and here we are at the end of the semester! My days have been filled with quite a lot between classes, work, and TRAIN. I have however had the chance to work more on the final details of my paper and fix some things on my poster after the AZ NV Academy of Science presentations. In addition to this I have been working on future steps as I would like to continue on this experimental process with microplastics in some new directions starting in the fall. The nice thing is I have an internship this summer that looks at aspects of the microplastics as well. So I am hoping that can continue by aiding my experimental design and process. 

    I am excited to be able to take a trip to ASU tomorrow to be given a tour of a lab over there from one of Dr. Cotter's old students who is now a grad student at ASU. In addition I am also excited to see everyone's finish presentations in the next couple weeks! I am wishing you all the best!


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