Nile Red Dye & AZ NV Science Academy Prep

     This was a productive week for a few reasons. To begin, I was able to dye the rest of the filters, with Cassandra, from every stage of the waste water treatment process. This set us up to get a count of the micro plastics from every stage. 

    I also was able to attend an online abstract workshop and learned quite a bit. With that information fresh in my head I sat down and completed an abstract for the upcoming Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science annual meeting where I will be presenting a poster about microplastics and the chemical contaminants identified last semester some of those might have potentially been carrying. I am excited for the opportunity to get out and share what myself and the team have learned so far. 

    Finally, I also had to create some new sample-salt gradient solutions in which I will be will be filtering next week. We had some control questions with out current filters and it was warranted to redo a part of the process to ensure we had the highest quality of results. I will be excited to see those results by the end of next week. 

As I prepare of these next few weeks I am filled with excitement to have the data and continue on in this process in dealing with potential solutions such as electrocoagulation. 


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