Back To Work!

     This past week has been filled with anticipation and excitement. After the initial settling in to the new schedule, I finally had an opportunity to meet with Dr. Cotter and the rest of the research team to discuss what areas we would like to look into this semester when it comes to micro plastics. While I didn't have a strong inclination for one specific area, since I find them all very interesting, I was able to talk it through with Dr. Cotter and land on one. 

    I will be looking at and focusing on what some possible solutions are when it comes to effectively removing the micro plastics during the water treatment process. I am most excited about this outlook as I have always been someone who looks for a solution when presented a problem.

    We also have a date for when we are going to be returning to the water treatment facility; February 16th! I am very excited to have the opportunity to go collect samples and meet with someone from the industry to have a conversation that can hopefully cultivate some ideas when it comes to the removal of the micro plastics. It will also be nice to be at the facility, only this time, with a lot more knowledge about how the process works. 


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