
Showing posts from September, 2024

Fall: Week 2!

 Hello all,      This week I met with Josh and the last part needed for my experimental design was ordered! It should be here next week and I can start to figure out my experimental set up. Other than that, I am really waiting for the part before I can continue.  School this semester is a little more intense than I was expecting but it is good to have a challenge, none-the-less. I will be establishing a good working schedule to make sure my TRAIN hours are completed and more importantly so that I can run my experiment with different independent variables to hopefully get a clear picture of how electrocoagulation can be used to remove microplastics. 

Fall: Week 1!

 Hello Everyone! I am excited to be back at it this fall here at Phoenix College. This semester I will be focusing on electrocoagulation of water for the removal of microplastics. While this is a very exciting field of research, it comes with a lot of different question that I hopefully will be able to answer this semester.  Some questions I am looking to find answers to are as follows: 1) Does electrocoagulation work for removing microplastics? 2) What is the optimal volt and current needed for electrocoagulation to work? 3) What impact does differing pH and electrolyte concentrations have on the effectiveness of electrocoagulation?  These are a few of the guiding questions I am excited to look at for this upcoming semester! I will meet with Josh about one more possible part I might need before I begin. Here we go!